Friday 6 December 2013

River course flooding

Parts of the river course were flooded during the storm surge last night and as the river wall was breached in a couple of places, water levels were rising again this afternoon.  The river course is closed until the water levels drop.  There is likely to be some damage to the turf but the severity will depend on how long the areas remain flooded, the salinity of the water and how much silt and other debris has been deposited.

The 3rd green

The 7th tee and the pond, which is rather larger than usual!
Trevor starting the clear up

The 6th green and fairway, looking towards the 8th
The 6th green

The 4th green with the debris left at high tide

The 3rd green and fairway with Hazlewood marshes in the background
Looking towards the 6th from the 9th: at its height the water reached across the 8th fairway

A rather lethargic Adder was woken from hibernation by the flood

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